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Protagon – international performing arts (project leader)

Protagon – international performing arts organizes large and small cultural events. Such as workshops, educational and social projects for children and adults across all genres and offers training, production and performance rooms as well as residencies for artists. The activities are organized and take partly place in the Cultural Production Space in Frankfurt am Main. The association is committed to ensuring that free artists, groups and interested people can interact artistically and politically. Its members are encouraged, through awareness and social-engage activities, to offer a platform for research on performing arts in public space and to bring it among diverse audiences.

Protagon is organizing for the last two decades international festivals of performing arts in Hessen- Germany. Such as the International Sommerwerft Theater Festival, since 20 years the largest event in the region for theatre and dance in public space. The first international festival dedicated to giving visibility to the feminist agenda of women in theatre, the “Internationales Frauen* Theaterfestival” was founded 6 years ago, as well as Winterwerft, a festival dedicated to environmental issues and cultural narratives.


From its humble beginnings as a community theater group, over the years, Teatr Brama has grown to become one the largest independent theaters and artistic associations in Poland. The word “Brama” in Polish means gateway.


And in many senses Teatr Brama is a gateway to culture. Being in a small town in the periphery Teatr Brama opens culture to a broader public – not just art insiders or the elite – but everyone.

Brama works with people of all ages and cultural backgrounds and Goleniow (the town where the theater is headquartered) is regularly visited by artists from all over Europe and the world, throughout the year but specifically during their annual theater festival BRAMAT.


In addition to a healthy audience that attends performances, concerts, events and festivals, Teatr Brama also offers weekly workshop to groups in the local community including children, youth, adults, seniors, people with disabilities and individuals recovering from addiction.

For many years the theater has worked with EU projects, like Erasmus+ to allow young or emerging artists to work as interns or volunteers for periods of time of generally up to 1 year. The volunteers are offered the opportunity to develop their own projects, share their skills and gain new competencies. Brama is a leader in multiple projects, connecting through them people of our local community and cultural communities from across the world. After so many years of working in socially engaged projects Teatr Brama has an extensive worldwide network of partners.


AGENCIA ANDALUZA DE INSTITUCIONES CULTURALES is a public entity, attached to the Council of Tourism, Culture and Sport of the Andalusia Government, established in 1991 for the implementation of cultural policies. Its statutes include as main objectives: research, management, production, promotion, training and dissemination of theatre and performing arts, cultural heritage, visual arts, books and reading, audiovisual as well as the development, commercialization and implementation of cultural activities in public libraries, archives, museums and archaeological sites.  AAIICC has long experience managing European and international projects in the field of culture such as Interreg, Erasmus+ or Creative Europe initiatives.


The CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS ESCÉNICOS DE ANDALUCÍA is one of the Agency’s programs which organize specialized and continuing training courses for performing arts professionals, both for artists and technicians, which offer training activities and support students’ professional development along with the AAIICC network of public theatres and cultural infrastructures.

The Agency’s web site holds more information about the entity and its program, Centro de Formación Escénica de Andalucía.

Ondadurto Teatro is a theatre company based in Rome founded in 2005 and led by Lorenzo Pasquali and Margò Paciotti. During the past years, Ondadurto Teatro has been a lead partner for EU funded projects responsible for the dissemination, visibility and communication on both strategic level preparing the strategies and plans as well as on the implementation level (website and social media channels creation and management, brochures, etc.), task delegation to project partners, supervision and measurement of the progress using both qualitative and quantitative indicators. Ondadurto Teatro’s staff has a vast experience in management and financial coordination of complex projects co financed by the EU, and specifically in the areas of preparation of strategic documents, agreements and proposals, the financial management and monitoring, as well as, coordination of suppliers, and partners, among others, dissemination of the results. Staff members have been involved in programmes such as Creative Europe, Erasmus+, LLP Grundtvig. The organisation has extensive expertise in urban theatre and processes of cultural participation in non conventional and public spaces, as well as in EU cooperation projects (two editions of Contact Zones project, co funded by the EU and awarded as Success Story). Furthermore, since 2020 Ondadurto Teatro has run the international and multidisciplinary DRAG ME UP Queer Art Festival in Rome, supported by the Municipality of Rome (Roma Capitale). This partner has also created and held local and international capacity building and training activities, such as creative workshops, international symposia, cultural exchanges, drama labs for children.


Cia. Piero Partigianoni – Clown poético


International Clown School

El Semillero, an international school for clowns was born in Granada in 2012 out of Piero’s passion; he’s the founder, the director and the teacher. The main objective is to offer workshops related to a very ancient and sacred form of art: The Clown.

The clown, with the strengh from it’s courage and the poetry from his soul, at the end of the day reaches th moon. Once there, he sits and swings fishing illutions and seeds of hope. When night ends, he closes his eyes and with a soft blow turns off the stars; not having to sleep to keep on dreaming.

With this philosophy as a starter, Piero Partigianoni desire with his workshops is to share with professionals, begginers, amateurs and escenic arts specialists, everything he has learnt in more than a decade dedicated to the art of being a clown; wich to the present time keeps on making him happy.

Harvest dreams in a seedbed (Semillero) so that everyone interested can be soil, seed, air… and clown!


The Semillero’s main characteristic is a strong international component determined by the student body’s procedence: it’s not only people living in Granada, but also from everywhere in Spain and other parts of Europe.



The IdeAgorà Association was founded in April 2008. The association is a non-profit organization that aims to promote, support, and spread the circus arts, theatre, visual and figurative arts, and music. It aims to be a reference point for the organization and promotion of these artistic and cultural activities through the organization of events or individual performances. The association also aims to promote the territories that host such events, festivals or individual shows, by promoting the knowledge of artistic, landscape, cultural and architectural goods, traditions, culinary excellences and peculiarities through activities or initiatives aimed at encouraging the visibility and tourist development of the area, also at an international level. The association aims to enhance the work of artists by developing education and public attention and the dignity of artists.

Since its inception, the IdeAgorà Association has ensured the ideation and management of the Mirabilia International Circus & Performing Arts Festival and its organizational continuity.

The Mirabilia Festival, a multidisciplinary festival of contemporary circus, dance, and theatre, will reach its 17th edition in 2023. Its intention has always been to develop places of artistic creation in the territory, contribute to the promotion of cultural tourism, make the places where it operates "lands of performing arts" involving first and foremost the young people of the territory, develop collaborative European and Italian networks, connecting Italy to Europe through the organization of international meetings, co-producing cross-border companies and promoting the diffusion of national companies in Europe.

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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